Insights from WIN
WIN Blog
We are thrilled to welcome Ethical Naturals Inc. (ENI) as one of our newest esteemed Silver Sponsors! Their commitment to excellence and inclusivity aligns seamlessly with the mission of Women in Nutraceuticals. As a valued supporter, ENI exemplifies the power of gender equality in the workplace. CEO Cal Bewicke and his team share their insights and experiences on creating a thriving, inclusive culture.
Marc Philouze brings more than 15 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, fueled by a deep commitment to promoting healthier, happier lives through a proactive approach to wellbeing. As Managing Principal and Owner of AdviBio, Marc’s work reflects a broader vision: to foster meaningful change not only in the way we approach health but also in how we shape the culture and leadership of the nutrition industry.
Meet Sara Rosario: A Trailblazer in the Women In Nutraceuticals (WIN) Mentorship Program The Women In Nutraceuticals (WIN) Mentorship Program is empowering women in the global nutraceutical industry to unlock their potential and achieve success.
Salman Mehkri, Head of Business Development at Bio-gen Extracts, is a dedicated and active member of Women In Nutraceuticals, contributing meaningfully to both the WIN India Chapter and WIN Global. We sat down with Salman to learn more about his vision, goals and perspectives on equity and parity in the workforce.
It is our honor to introduce one of Women In Nutraceuticals most recent additions to the board of directors, Anand Swaroop, Ph.D., who exemplifies a unique journey from a trained scientist to a pioneering entrepreneur in the nutraceutical and natural products sectors
We’re thrilled to share highlights from our recent Women in Nutraceuticals webinar: Female Leaders and Menopause hosted by Dr. Sybille Buchwald-Werner, Director of Business Development at ABFI and Co-Chair of the WIN Mentorship Program.
Women In Nutraceuticals (WIN) is thrilled to announce the SupplySide West Scholarship recipient, Anna Marie Murphy, We caught up with the scholarship recipient, who shared her thoughts about this opportunity and her hopes for the future.
We’re thrilled to announce that many members of Women In Nutraceuticals (WIN) will be taking the stage at this year’s SupplySide West, sharing their expertise on the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in our industry. Check out some of the WIN members speaking in this blog post.
We just finalized our Women In Nutraceuticals mentorship webinar on "Lessons Learned from the Pilot Run." It was absolutely amazing, inspirational, and motivating to hear the stories of our mentees and mentors and how participating in this Mentorship Program was a career changer or even a life changer for them. Learn more in this blog post from the movers and shakers in the Mentorship Program!
Throughout the month we feature the extraordinary members and volunteers that make up the very foundation of WIN. Today we are shining the light on Denise Cibu, Co-chair of WIN’s Young Scientist Committee (within the Science Committee).
In 2024 WIN partnered with NBJ to sponsor one trailblazing WIN member to attend the NBJ Summit at Terranea Resort. Komal Baldwa was the lucky recipient and here she takes us on her journey.
Throughout the month, we highlight the extraordinary members who are the very foundation of Women In Nutraceuticals. Today we shine the light on Kirstin Knight, Senior Content Editor at Informa Markets.
Dispatch From the Road with Devon Gholam - Vitafoods Europe and IFT FIRST in Chicago
Between the packing and preparations, the travel, meetings, and running into countless friends and colleagues, conferences always seem hectic. However, the fun and camaraderie of it all coupled with productivity and education make every moment worth it.
In choosing her high school electives in eighth grade, Sandy checked “Newspaper” as something that “could be fun.” Little did she know this would spark a nearly 20-year (and counting) career in journalism and content creation!
We sat down with Sandy to learn more about her work and life, and why she aligned with Women In Nutraceuticals.
Throughout the month we feature the incredible members and volunteers who are the very foundation of Women In Nutraceuticals. Today, we are shining a light on the renowned and respected leader in nutraceuticals, Lauren Clardy.
Lauren is president of NutriMarket Business, serving as an advisor to the American Botanical Council and Nutrition Capital Network, as well as member of WIN’s Mentorship Committee.
Lauren shares her insights and inspirations in this Leaders in Nutraceuticals feature.
From the inside-out Jessica Rubino, Vice President of Content at New Hope Network, lives and breathes health and beauty. Her commitment includes a career that has spanned decades focusing on creating meaningful content, igniting positive changes and helping to protect the health of people and planet.
We sat down with Jessica, virtually, to get a glimpse into her background and what inspires her as she continues her healthy crusade!
Crystal Webber, MS, RD
“Having board members from a wide range of backgrounds in experience, age, ethnicity, gender and more improves diversity of thought. That improved diversity of thought boosts productivity as boards work through issues and strategies. Plus it fosters trust and authenticity with the group’s stakeholders.”
In June, 2024 WIN launched the Awards Committee, and in the same month presented it’s first awards program designed to celebrate the champions:
Of gender equity
Driving research innovations
Excelling in Mentorship within the nutraceuticals sector
And significantly contributing to WIN’s programs
Sonja is one of WIN’s extraordinary volunteers working with the Marketing and Communications Committee with passion, and dedication. She leads by example and inspires those around her daily!
In honor of Women's Health Month, Karin Linnewiel Hermoni, PhD., Women In Nutraceuticals Science Committee Member, and Imagine Health Solutions Founder, offers her insights.
Cepham was founded in 1978, at the start of India’s science and technology boom, and quickly became a well-known research innovator and leader in the medical, nutrition, and health and wellness sectors.
The Women In Nutraceuticals’ Mentorship Committee is comprised of esteemed leaders in the global nutraceuticals industry who are paving the way for future generations of female leaders by providing mentorship opportunities.
Duke University hosts the second-largest herbarium in the nation—an iconic 100-year-old facility housing more than 825,000 plant specimens—and yet the university is considering closing this cornerstone of botanical knowledge.
Young Scientist Committee Launches! We are excited to announce the launch of the WIN Young Scientist Committee, where curiosity meets innovation!
WIN Receives AHPA Herbal Diversity & Inclusion Award! It is with great pleasure and gratitude to announce that Women In Nutraceuticals received the Herbal Diversity.
International Women’s Day “is a day to celebrate those who have championed the cause before us and a significant reminder of the work that remains to be done to achieve a just and equitable world for all.
Our vision at WIN is to achieve economic and societal equity to change the global nutraceutical industry. And it is up to the Marketing & Communications Committee to make this vision come to life.
Women In Nutraceuticals launched the Mentorship Program this year to resounding success! Mentors and mentees are already lining up for the next opportunity to participate.
WIN kicked off its much-anticipated mentorship program on January 9 with a digital launch event that welcomed mentors and mentees, ran through the pilot run’s six-month schedule and introduced everyone to the team who helped make this opportunity for growth and engagement happen.