Dispatch From the Road with Devon Gholam: Vitafoods Europe and IFT FIRST in Chicago

Between the packing and preparations, the travel, meetings, and running into countless friends and colleagues, conferences always seem hectic. However, the fun and camaraderie of it all coupled with productivity and education make every moment worth it.

I’m happy to report to all my WIN colleagues that my preparation tips for conferences were quite useful! I was well stocked with comfortable, fun outfits. I had everything I needed with me and was well organized for the show. Travel between the convention center and my hotel went without a hitch. My only hiccup was not having the correct electrical adapters—despite my prior European travels, this was my first time in Switzerland and I had forgotten they have different plugs than the rest of Europe.  Thankfully my portable battery and all my devices were fully charged, the hotel had USB port charging, and I was able to get an adapter the next day.

Vitafoods Europe, Geneva, Switzerland, 2024

Vitafoods Europe, Geneva, Switzerland, 2024

Despite this being my first overseas conference, I found myself at home. I was pleasantly surprised how many contacts I’ve amassed over my career and how many I bumped into at the show, whether planned or by accident.  The social co-hosted by WIN and Naturally Proud brought many friendly faces together—I finally got to meet the amazing Sue Hewlings in person!

Devon Gholam (left) and Susan Hewlings

WIN and Naturally Proud Social at Vitafoods 2024

IFT First, Chicago, 2024

I also attended another conference since my prior blog entry—IFT FIRST in Chicago.  This show brought a different vibe in terms of content and focus but had the same warmth for which our industry is well known. Between giving my first presentation at IFT and reminiscing of my very first IFT show 21 years ago, I had the chance to reflect on what a wonderful time I’ve had in my career thus far and growing excited for what is yet to come.

Devon Gholam at IFT FIRST in Chicago, 2024.

The WIN Happy Hour at IFT didn’t disappoint either—it was so great to meet with so many people I’ve come to know and admire. I even had my fan girl moment with Danielle Masterson, who has interviewed many WIN members in her NutraWomen Wednesday podcast series. 

Lynda Doyle (left), Devon Gholam (middle), and Nora Khaldi at IFT WIN Happy Hour.

Heather Granato (left), Devon Gholam (middle), and Allison Guidry at IFT WIN Happy Hour.

Danielle Masterson (left) and Devon Gholam at IFT WIN Happy Hour.


Perhaps my favorite moment out of these conferences was meeting Heather Granato, founder and president of WIN. I’ve admired her from afar for a long time but it was the first time I’ve met her in person. Near the end of our discussion, she asked me, “what can I do to support you?” I was so taken aback that this accomplished, well known industry powerhouse would ask such a question. As we all work together in WIN towards gender equity, I think that’s something we should all ask each other. What can we do to support one another? 

Heather Granato (left) and Devon Gholam at Vitafoods 2024.

As we all attend several conferences, conventions, and shows in the coming months, I wish you all success! May you have time to reflect on your career, make new friends, gain valuable insights into the future of our industry, and celebrate all wins big and small!

Devon Gholam celebrating making it through her first Vitafoods and her first overseas conference!

Devon Gholam, WIN Science Committee Member and Vice President of Science and Innovation, at Step Change Innovations can be reached HERE.


WIN Member Feature: Meet Kirstin Knight!


WIN Member Feature Meet Sandy Almendarez, Vice President Content, SupplySide!