And, The 2024 Winners Are……
The WIN Awards program is designed to celebrate the remarkable contributions and achievements of those who champion gender equity, drive research innovations, excel in mentorship within the nutraceutical sector, and significantly contribute to WIN’s programs. Each award category has been designed to reflect the core mission of WIN: to empower women and foster an inclusive, supportive environment where their talents and contributions can thrive.
Thank you to all who joined us at the WIN Gender Equity Networking Reception & Awards Ceremony at SupplySide West 2024! It was an incredible evening filled with inspiring conversations, new connections, and a shared passion for driving positive change in the nutraceuticals industry.
Meet the 2024 Award Winners
Danielle Masterson
WIN Champion Award: Danielle Masterson for NutraWomen Wednesday
The WIN Champion Award honors a company or organization that has set the gold standard for supporting and championing women in the nutraceuticals industry. This award acknowledges those who have built inclusive cultures, initiated programs for gender parity, and actively promoted women into leadership roles. The recipient of this award demonstrates a profound impact on the industry by advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, making significant strides towards a more balanced and equitable workplace where women's contributions are recognized and celebrated. Open to all genders, WIN members and non-members are eligible.
“This award means so much to me as a journalist. And as a woman. This recognition tells me that NutraWomen Wednesday has made an impact and that the stories from all these brave and inspiring women matter. NutraWomen Wednesday’s tagline is ‘Celebrating the women behind the wellness’ and that’s been our mission since the show launched on International Women’s Day 2021.
Not only am I a member of WIN, I’m a founding member! When Heather reached out to me about joining, I immediately knew WIN was going to shake up the nutraceutical industry in the best way possible.
In addition to supporting women and promoting gender parity, I joined WIN because I knew it would be an excellent way to find potential guests for NutraWomen Wednesday. The fact that I’m being awarded the WIN Champion Award is a true full circle moment for me, and I couldn’t be more honored.”
Dr. Sybille Buchwald-Werner
WIN Guiding Star Award: Dr. Sybille Buchwald-Werner
The WIN Guiding Star Award celebrates an extraordinary individual of any gender who has been instrumental in mentoring and elevating women within the nutraceuticals industry. This accolade is reserved for those whose guidance has not only illuminated paths but has also inspired confidence, skill development, and leadership among women. Recipients of this award are recognized for their unwavering commitment to fostering talent, sharing knowledge, and supporting the professional growth of women, thereby shaping the future leaders of the nutraceuticals sector.
“Receiving the Guiding Star Award from Women in Nutraceuticals (WIN) touches me deeply, not just as a recognition of my work, but as a profound affirmation that I am on the right path. This award symbolizes that my engagement and passion are making a difference, supporting women to become strong, authentic, and respectful leaders, strengthening our nutraceutical industry. WIN has created a space where we can connect, support each other, and build partnerships based on trust and mutual respect. I am incredibly grateful to be part of an organization that nurtures excellence and empowers its members to reach new heights.
Ultimately, this recognition motivates me to keep pushing boundaries, championing the role of women, and paving the way for future generations. I am honored to be a 'Wegbereiter'—a path companion—on this journey towards a more inclusive and dynamic nutraceutical landscape. Never forget -every day is a #newday.
I support Women in Nutraceuticals (WIN) because it is crucial to have a platform where we can network with like-minded professionals who share a commitment to advancing women in our industry. WIN provides a safe environment where we can speak openly and honestly about our career goals within a dedicated industry network. This transparency and trust are essential for personal and professional growth. Additionally, WIN's committees offer opportunities to collaborate on common goals, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. Whether you're an emerging talent or a C-level leader, being part of an organization like WIN is invaluable. For young professionals, it provides a chance to build a network of peers, while for senior leaders, it offers an opportunity to be sparring partners, supporting each other's growth and development. Together, we strengthen the nutraceutical industry by empowering women to lead and innovate.”
Gillian Fish
WIN Heroine Award: Gillian Fish, The 6AM Agency
The WIN Heroine Award is presented to an individual WIN member of any gender whose volunteer efforts have been especially significant, and materially contributed to advancing WIN’s mission. WIN is fueled by the passion and hard work of the many volunteer members, without whom none of the WIN programs could be possible. Open to all genders. Nominees must be a member of WIN. Current board members are not eligible.
“I am deeply humbled to receive the inaugural Women In Nutraceuticals Heroine Award. It has always been my life’s purpose to unlock human potential and pay it forward however I can – through my business or personal endeavours, just as I was championed and inspired by mentors, including my mothers, from early on in my career.
Being invited to be part of this extraordinary group of Women In Nutraceuticals founders, all dedicated to unlocking potential in women across the supply chain and to achieving gender and social equity, has been the most outstanding and rewarding journey of passion and purpose, for which I am deeply grateful. It is what we each do now that makes an impact for generations to come.
Giving back is in our DNA at the 6 AM Agency. We volunteer for two other organisations, the Childhood Dementia Initiative https://www.childhooddementia.org/ and the Bambuddha Group that Champions Kinder leaders https://www.bambuddhagroup.com/ (we can all learn from that).
Women In Nutraceuticals presents an exceptional opportunity for all across the supply chain, to lean in to an outstanding cause, individually, and as a collective, to connect and learn from others, to share knowledge for growth, with a common goal of making a tangible impact in the lives of others that will be of real benefit for generations to come. If you are looking for a passion project, join WIN, for any one of a myriad of opportunities. You will be highly fulfilled.”
Dr. Susan Kleiner
WIN Research Pioneer Award: Dr. Susan Kleiner
The WIN Research Pioneer Award is presented to an individual of any gender or organization that has made significant contributions to advancing research on nutraceutical products for women or furthering health/nutrition science for women. This accolade recognizes the pioneering spirit of those dedicated to uncovering new insights, developing innovative solutions, and enhancing women's health through scientific excellence. Award recipients are celebrated for their ground-breaking work that not only contributes to the scientific community but also ensures better health outcomes for women globally, marking a milestone in the journey towards tailored and effective nutrition solutions.
“I am stunned. Among the global list of those who have contributed to this category, I am honored to be included among them, let alone be singled out for this award. My accomplishments have always rested on the shoulders of the scientists before me, the teachers who have dedicated their passion and knowledge to elevating their students, and to the colleagues who have partnered with me along the way to create a new and exciting field of nutrition and human performance. Through that study the lack of information for women became glaringly obvious. As a woman myself, a mother of daughters, and a daughter of my mother, with female friends, colleagues and clients, I was motivated to speak up and speak out to create change for the future of healthcare, wellness, and performance for women and girls. This award tells me that the groundswell has taken hold, the need is recognized worldwide, and change is underway. Yet, we have more work to continue the momentum. Thank you to the WIN board for creating this extraordinary award, to those who nominated me, and to all those working together to improve the lives of women and girls.
I am strongly supportive of the WIN mission. As an active member I have met countless extraordinary women and others worldwide that I don’t think that I would have met otherwise. My grandfather always said that to create change you must “stand up and be counted”. There is power in numbers, both in our voices and the work that we accomplish. I believe that through WIN we are creating opportunities for women, greater diversity in the workplace and the laboratory, a more effective industry and enhanced product development to support the health and well-being of a global population.”