Women In Nutraceuticals Announces Awards Program

In June 2024 Women In Nutraceuticals launched an awards program designed to celebrate the remarkable contributions and achievements of those who champion gender equity, drive research innovations, excel in mentorship within the nutraceutical sector, and significantly contribute to WIN’s programs. Each award category has been designed to reflect the core mission of WIN: to empower women and foster an inclusive, supportive environment where their talents and contributions can thrive. 


For the program’s inaugural year nominations will opened June 3 and will close June 30, 2024, with awards  presented at SupplySide West. 

The award categories are: 

The WIN Guiding Star Award celebrates an extraordinary individual of any gender who has been instrumental in mentoring and elevating women within the nutraceuticals industry. This prestigious accolade is reserved for those whose guidance has not only illuminated paths but has also inspired confidence, skill development, and leadership among women. Recipients of this award are recognized for their unwavering commitment to fostering talent, sharing knowledge, and supporting the professional growth of women, thereby shaping the future leaders of the nutraceuticals sector.

Open to all genders, WIN members and non-members are eligible.  


The WIN Champion Award honors a company or organization that has set the gold standard for supporting and championing women in the nutraceuticals industry. This award acknowledges those who have built inclusive cultures, initiated programs for gender parity, and actively promoted women into leadership roles. The recipient of this award demonstrates a profound impact on the industry by advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, making significant strides towards a more balanced and equitable workplace where women's contributions are recognized and celebrated. Open to all genders, WIN members and non-members are eligible.


The WIN Research Pioneer Award is presented to an individual of any gender or organization that has made significant contributions to advancing research on nutraceutical products for women or furthering health/nutrition science for women. This accolade recognizes the pioneering spirit of those dedicated to uncovering new insights, developing innovative solutions, and enhancing women's health through scientific excellence. Award recipients are celebrated for their ground-breaking work that not only contributes to the scientific community but also ensures better health outcomes for women globally, marking a milestone in the journey towards tailored and effective nutrition solutions. Open to all genders, WIN members and non-members are eligible.


The WIN Heroine Award is presented to an individual WIN member of any gender whose volunteer efforts have been especially significant, and materially contributed to advancing WIN’s mission.  WIN is fueled by the passion and hard work of the many volunteer members, without whom none of the WIN programs could be possible. Open to all genders. Nominees must be a member of WIN. Current board members are not eligible.


“Each of these awards reflect WIN's commitment to acknowledging and amplifying the voices and achievements of women and their allies in the nutraceuticals industry,” said Petra Erlandson, director of sales and marketing Alkemist Labs and WIN awards committee chair. “It’s important to note that these awards are not open to women only, because our allies are just as significant to our gender-parity efforts and deserving of recognition.”


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