WIN Mentorship Program Update

WIN kicked off its much-anticipated mentorship program on January 9 with a digital launch event that welcomed mentors and mentees, ran through the pilot run’s six-month schedule and introduced everyone to the team who helped make this opportunity for growth and engagement happen.

The event—moderated by the program’s co-chairs May Yamada-Lifton, CEO of Maypro, and Dr. Sybille Buchwald-Werner, CEO of Vital Solutions, a division of Fytexia—generated plenty of excitement among attendees and underscored what a genuinely “big deal” this is for WIN and women in our industry.

Given the program’s mission of preparing senior-level women for C-suite and board positions, it’s imperative that we build it out to be sustainable, rewarding and effective at unlocking the potential of female leaders-in-the-making. That’s why pilot runs like this are critical for providing feedback that we can assess and iterate upon going forward.

Which is precisely what WIN’s mentorship team will be doing. This is just the start of an enriching journey that’ll support female nutraceutical leaders and our industry as a whole.

Resonant Pixel Company

Founder & CEO of Resonant Pixel Co.  I've been creating websites since 1996, started with Squarespace in 2010, and now create and manage website as a productized service.

Launching Leaders With the WIN Mentorship Program!


Meet WIN’s Esteemed Science Committee