Launching Leaders With the WIN Mentorship Program!

Under the guidance of the Mentorship Committee, Women In Nutraceuticals launched the Mentorship Program this year to resounding success! Mentors and mentees are already lining up for the next opportunity to participate. This vibrant response is letting us know we are meeting a need.

WIN’s six-month mentorship program is focused on improving soft skills, including critical thinking, creativity, effective communication, and empathy. Mentees are passionate about the nutraceutical industry, comfortable with objective feedback and proactive learning, and committed to investing time in the relationship and professional development. 

Mentors & Mentees…What to Expect

Mentors offer significant experience and stature, understanding of the nutraceutical industry, and a desire to collaborate on the mentee’s professional development goals.

“Mentoring develops new leaders and helps existing mentors perfect their skills, it’s a win win!” said Gina Benninger, Director of Sales and Marketing, Arizona Custom Blends, and WIN mentorship committee member.

With 25 years of experience working in the natural products/dietary supplements industry, Gina continues to “mentor others in an effort to pass on the generosity I have seen and experienced over the course of my career.”

Like many of the mentors currently participating in the program, Gina commented that she is passionate about helping “women realize their true potential and inspire the confidence to go out there and make dreams come true!”

One way she suggests to her mentees to make their dreams come true is “to speak up, ask questions, and take chances!”

Watch this short video of Gina advice to current and future mentors and mentees:

Gina Benninger, Director of Sales and Marketing, Arizona Custom Blends, and WIN Mentorship Committee Member


  • Self-awareness of gaps, needed soft skills and refinement of soft skills such as critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, effective communication, interrelationships, empathy, attitude

  • Insights into how to market yourself authentically for success in the executive world

  • Clear understanding of expectations, rewards, benefits, and realities of C-Suite leadership

  • Development of self-confidence and sense of empowerment

  • Expanded leadership network

  • Connections to people who can help open doors for you


  • Rewarding experience with satisfaction of supporting future industry leaders

  • New industry connections and opportunities

  • Opportunity to build upon best practices in mentorship with a group of peers

  • Gain perspectives, catch the spirit of, and interact with, new business practices and mindsets

Learn more about participating as a mentor or mentee:

Contributor, Julie Dennis

Resonant Pixel Company

Founder & CEO of Resonant Pixel Co.  I've been creating websites since 1996, started with Squarespace in 2010, and now create and manage website as a productized service.

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WIN Mentorship Program Update