Sponsorship Opportunities

Invest in WIN

Invest in WIN Inspire Opportunities with a WIN Sponsorship

Increasing diversity among executive suites, corporate boards, research leadership, and investment in new enterprises is not only the right thing to do; it is the SMART thing to do.

The metrics show that diverse people working together can make better decisions on corporate policy, research priorities, and product development in a changing world. As such, diversity positively impacts shareholder value and is reflected in the traditional measures of business success.

As one consultant pointed out, if you’re not developing products for an increasingly stratified market, you are leaving money on the table – and the best tool to address this is input from a diverse staff.

More so than many other industries, the nutraceutical industry needs to hear the voice of women in its research and business goals. After all, women overwhelmingly make the purchasing decisions when it comes to the health of their families and themselves. Yet women remain underrepresented when it comes to industry and corporate leadership.

Change doesn’t come easy. In our industry, we pride ourselves on being social change leaders. However, when it comes to moving the needle on tangible and measurable progress toward the participation of women in industry leadership, policymaking, research priorities, and share of new venture investment, women in our industry still lag behind.

We believe that by bringing this reality to the forefront, we can partner with the decision-makers who can effect change. Not only can we help our industry focus on the metrics, but we can also help identify, prepare and promote women in taking leadership positions.

WIN was formed to address specific industry-focused goals:

  • Increase the number of women serving on boards

  • Increase the number of women in executive positions

  • Increase the amount of funding for women-owned ventures

  • Increase the number of women in leadership positions in research organizations

  • Increase the amount of funding for female-driven research

  • Increase the amount of funding for research in women’s health issues

WIN welcomes people and organizations to participate in our mission. People are members (not limited to women), and organizations are sponsors. We invite partnerships with organizations that embrace these goals to benefit social equity in our industry and their businesses. Sponsors that signed on before June 30, 2023 are designated as Founding Sponsors.

WIN Platinum Sponsor

Investment: $20,000 USD Annually

  • Access to data developed and compiled about women in the nutraceutical industry

  • Access to use WIN branding

  • Access to WIN databases as developed (Job Boards, resumes, speakers, etc.)

  • Premium placement of Logo on the WIN website and at WIN events

  • Name placement in promotional collateral (rack cards, fliers, tabletop exhibit)

  • Verbal recognition at significant events

  • Recognition on appreciation signage

  • Ten individual memberships

  • Video sharing the reason your organization supports the goals of WIN. Shared on the website and used in marketing

  • Designated seat on WIN Advisory Council

WIN Gold Sponsor

Investment: $10,000 USD Annually

  • Access to data developed and compiled about women in the nutraceutical industry

  • Access to WIN databases as developed (Job Boards, resumes, speakers, etc.)

  • Access to use WIN branding

  • Logo on the WIN website and at WIN events

  • Verbal recognition at significant events

  • Recognition on appreciation signage

  • Five individual memberships

  • Video sharing the reason your organization supports the goals of WIN. Shared on the website and used in marketing

WIN Silver Sponsor

Investment: $5,000 USD Annually

  • Access to data developed and compiled about women in the nutraceutical industry

  • Access to WIN databases as developed (Job Boards, resumes, speakers, etc.)

  • Access to use WIN branding

  • Logo on the WIN website and at WIN events

  • Recognition on appreciation signage

  • Two individual memberships

Thank you Founding Platinum and Gold Sponsors

Sponsorship Opportunities: Partner with us to empower Women in Nutraceuticals (WIN) and gain visibility in the industry.
Sponsorship Opportunities: Partner with us to empower Women in Nutraceuticals (WIN) and gain visibility in the industry.
Sponsorship Opportunities: Partner with us to empower Women in Nutraceuticals (WIN) and gain visibility in the industry.
Sponsorship Opportunities: Partner with us to empower Women in Nutraceuticals (WIN) and gain visibility in the industry.
Sponsorship Opportunities: Partner with us to empower Women in Nutraceuticals (WIN) and gain visibility in the industry.
Sponsorship Opportunities: Partner with us to empower Women in Nutraceuticals (WIN) and gain visibility in the industry.
Sponsorship Opportunities: Partner with us to empower Women in Nutraceuticals (WIN) and gain visibility in the industry.

Inspire Opportunities with a Founding Sponsorship

Connect with WIN today to learn how you can support Women in Nutraceuticals