Our Vision - Achieve Economic and Social Equality in the Global Nutraceutical Industry
Let’s make a difference
Increase the number of women serving in leadership positions
Expand investment opportunities
for female businesses.
Ensure better opportunities for
rising female leaders.
Grow the number of women in science and research
WIN Leadership Summit
WIN Leadership Summit
Don’t miss the Inaugural WIN Leadership Summit! CLICK HERE for more information, and to register!
WIN's Mission
WIN offers tools, networking, visibility, and mentoring to create an environment where women have an equal place in the leadership and evolution of the global nutraceutical industry, and where they can reap equally personal fulfillment, social and economic benefits.
WIN'S Focus Areas
Increase the number of women on corporate boards, leading in C-suites, and serving in executive leadership
Expand investment opportunities for women-owned Businesses
Ensure the growth of women in science and women’s health research across the nutraceutical industry
Ensure better opportunities for rising female leaders

Meet our
Board of Directors
Karen Todd, RD
Jan Mills
Vice President
Heather Granato
Lynda Doyle
Karen Howard
Director at Large
Julia Wiebe, PhD
Director at Large
Anand Swaroop
Director at Large
Crystal Webber
Director at Large
Doug Reader
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